Author Archives: susan

Observations in Nature: A Series on the Artist’s Exploration to Botanical Art

Observations in Nature is a new online exhibition series based on my curiosity with how artists select subjects and the origins of thought and inspiration they bring to the drawing table.  The goal is to uncover the layers of meaning … Continue reading

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Connie Scanlon: Heirloom Blueberry Branch #1 for the Connoisseur

      Scanlon consistently paints blueberries in all stages of its evolution.  She masterfully captures the various hues from, as the artist describes, “its early green berries with hints of rose, to slowly growing berries of magenta and violet, … Continue reading

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Beverly Duncan’s Winter Branches from My Woods, 2013

  The New England Society of Botanical Artists (NESBA) is featuring Beverly Duncan on their Beyond the Brush lecture series, Wednesday, January 24th at 11AM.  We are posting her Winter Branches in conjunction with this talk to further share and … Continue reading

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Of Wings Things: New Work by Kelly Leahy Radding

  Kelly Leahy Radding Of Winged Things, 2023  Mallard Duck, Blue Jay and American Kestrel feathers with a black maple samara Watercolor on calfskin vellum 7 x 5 inches Available now  

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Rare Opportunity to Own Lizzie Sanders Paintings from a Private Collection

Lizzie Sanders (1944-2020) was a master contemporary botanical artist whose talent is world renowned.  She carefully chose specimens that conveyed beauty through form and composed her subjects with the utmost care to show their fragility or regality, no matter its … Continue reading

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In the Beginning: Botanical Drawings

The foundation of master botanical drawing lies in the artist’s passion for the subject.  Botanical artists mostly begin with outlining the plant’s anatomy while infusing the line with the indescribable quotient of inspiration.  Their honed technique brings the plant to … Continue reading

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Denise Walser-Kolar, “My Dad’s Garden” (Morden’s Blush Rose Hips)

Here, the artist focuses on part of the plant normally hidden under the petal of the rose.  As we explore the painting, we come across a tiny worm munching on leaves, juxtaposing life with its expiration. This awakens us to … Continue reading

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Welcome Susan Rubin!

Susan Frei Nathan Fine Works on Paper is excited to welcome and represent Susan Rubin.        The artist uses maps as her substrate combined with a mylar overlay depicting the specific botanical species to its origin.  This botanical … Continue reading

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Thoughts on Begin Again: Flat Files

The idea of an artist beginning a work and reworking the image over time is particularly challenging with botanical art.  Since many of the artists in this exhibition initially are inspired to paint live plants, often captured during their short … Continue reading

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Upcoming Spring Exhibition: The Flat File 2021

Check out this Spring for SFN’s first Flat File exhibition. Artists often begin a work of art then put it aside, storing it in their flat file cabinet, designed to store works on paper, hence “flat” file. I am … Continue reading

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